Newsworld affairs

President Ebrahim Raisi vowed to tackle Iran’s economic woes and said his government was working to lift sanctions

Raisi, an ultraconservative who took office in August, portrays himself as a pious, corruption-fighting champion of the poor.

He listed inflation, high prices and tax evasion as among the top challenges facing his government.

“The government is doing everything to achieve economic stability and a predictable market,” he said.

“Lifting sanctions is being pursued with vigour,” he added, alluding to negotiations over a 2015 nuclear deal that gave Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

The landmark accord with world powers began unravelling in 2018 when then US president Donald Trump pulled out and reimposed sanctions, prompting Iran to start rolling back its commitments.

Negotiations in Vienna resumed last Monday, after Iran had paused talks following Raisi’s election in June.

“The people are well-aware of the situation in the country when I took the reins of government,” the president said.

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