New York governor said he discussed “rolling deployment” to send resources across the country
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke to Trump and White House task force about a “rolling deployment” of resources around the country that starts with New York.
“New York has the greatest need in terms of numbers” of cases as well as the “most critical in terms of timing,” Cuomo said.
He added that New York’s ‘trajectory is first by a long shot.”
He said he told the White House, “let’s talk about addressing the critical need in that hot spot” then “once you address that hot spot…then shift to the next hot spot.”
He said that he when the time comes to “redeploy that equipment and personnel to the next hotspot” he will “personally guarantee it, and personally manage it” even traveling to the next place in the country that need the resources.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said hospital beds remain one of the state’s most critical needs: They need 140,000 to support coronavirus patients, but they only have 53,000.
He outlined some possible measures to increase bead capacity, including:
- Asking all hospitals to increase capacity by 50%
- Asking some hospitals to increase capacity by 100%
- Setting up beds at convention centers
- Setting up bed on the US Navy ship Comfort
- Using dorms, hotels and nursing homes
Here’s the state’s estimates of how each measure could increase the number of hospital beds: