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Display of Confederate Battle Flag banned for US Forces Korea

Four-star General Robert B. Abrams, who commands all US forces in South Korea, has just banned the Confederate Battle Flag or its depiction within USFK work places, public areas, building exteriors, on personnel or on vehicles in a statement released today.

“The Confederate Battle Flag does not represent the values of U.S. Forces assigned to serve in the Republic of Korea”, Abrams says in the statement.  Adding, “it has the power to inflame feelings of racial division. We cannot have that division among us.”

General Abrams goes on to say that as the senior military officer assigned to Korea, and the Commander of ROK US Combined Forces Command, United Nations Command, and US Forces Korea, “it is within my authority and responsibility to take reasonable, necessary and lawful measures to protect people…to ensure good.”

The statement says that effective immediately, all commanders are directed to identify and ensure the removal or display of the Confederate Battle Flag.

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