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25 Romantic Example...
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25 Romantic Examples

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1. Take her for a long walk and converse on the beach.
2. Make an extra effort to spend time with her on a day when you would not typically do so.
3. Ask her to slow dance with you in the living room.
4. Bake cookies for her even if there's no special reason.
5. Make the first move.
6. Give her a kiss on the forehead.
7. Assist with chores that she usually handles.
8. Give her a warm hug from behind.
9. Text her beautiful messages to wake her up in the morning and fall asleep at night.
10. Prepare her a lovely lunch at home.
11. Order her favorite dessert and enjoy it together while watching a romantic movie.
12. Massage her feet, calves, arms, hands, and neck (without asking anything in return).
13. Stock the kitchen with her favorite munchies.
14. Wear her favorite cologne even if there's no reason other than she enjoys how it smells on you.
15. Plan a fun night of board games just for the two of you.
RELATED: How To Prove Your Love Every Day Using The Five Love Languages

16. Write small love notes and place them in unexpected places, such as her makeup cabinet, pocket, automobile glove compartment, and so on.
17. Allow her to sleep in while you play with the kids and prepare breakfast.
19. Make eye contact with her and take her hand as you converse over dinner.
20. When you go out to dine, sit next to her in a booth or on the same side of the table so you may hug while talking and eating.
21. Sing (or play) her a song that makes you think of her while she's not around.
22. Make the bed while she's showering.
23. Take photos together that are only for the two of you.
24. Take her out to stargaze.
25. Arrive with champagne for no reason at all.


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