
CNG: A Reliable and Cost-Effective Alternative to Petrol

Monday Ashibogwu, former Editor of Energy Watch, believes Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a reliable energy alternative to petrol, which is becoming increasingly expensive.

The former editor appeared on Channels Television’s breakfast show, Sunrise Daily, on Tuesday.

He stated, “CNG is the way to go because one of the benefits is that it is clean energy and environmentally friendly.

” The only worry we have now is whether the transfer is seamless, as converting it is fairly expensive unless you have government backing.”Although the federal government declared that CNG kits will be distributed countrywide, many people are still concerned about how this new canister would power their automobiles and generators without causing harm.

Ashibogwu allayed people’s concerns, adding, “They (CNG kits) are created within every safe parameter, and they follow the safety guidelines for installing them in vehicles. People are utilizing them all around the world, and there have been fewer incidents involving vehicles powered by CNG.”

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