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Angela Merkel says restrictive measures in Germany will continue

The partial lockdown and restrictive emergency measures in place in Germany will continue for a while, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel today.

“Right now is not the time to be talking about the loosening of these measures,” she said.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany is currently doubling about every 5 days, she said, adding that it needs to go down to every 10 days for a loosening of measures to even become an option.

Financial fallout: After a G20 video conference call and an EU heads of state conference call, she also reiterated Germany’s position against Eurobonds, saying the European Stabilization Mechanism is the right instrument to deal with the financial fallout from the coronavirus crisis.

“We made clear from the German side, but also others did as well, that this is not the opinion of all states,” Merkel said in reference to Spain and Italy’s desire to try new ways to deal with the crisis and asking for Coronabonds.

Social distancing: Merkel added that while she is busy and working well in quarantine, she, like many German citizens, misses personal social contact.

“I miss that I can’t be in the cabinet meetings and can’t see the people there. And I miss having personal contacts,” she said.

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