
Scholz seeks to reconcile differences within the coalition

On Sunday, the three-way coalition will gather for crisis talks to discuss a rising number of disagreements as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz fights to put out the fires threatening his administration.

The relationship between Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD) and his governing allies, the Greens and the pro-business FDP, appears more strained than ever just over a year after gaining office.

Earlier this week, FDP deputy leader Wolfgang Kubicki compared the Green politician to Russian President Vladimir Putin while FDP vice chancellor and economy minister Robert Habeck accused the FDP of impeding progress.

The devastating argument highlights the status of the three-way coalition, the first in post-war German history, despite Kubicki’s later apology.

The coalition agreement’s motto, “Dare for more development,” helped the partnership get off to a strong start in December 2021.

Habeck also told television ARD that the talks on Sunday would be a good chance to “overcome obstacles” on important matters, denouncing the coalition’s track record and policy leaks.

Habeck’s dissatisfaction stems from a contentious proposal put out by his ministry to start a year earlier than anticipated a prohibition on the installation of new oil and gas boilers in 2024.

Habeck has stated that a multi-billion euro package of financial help for switchers would be provided together with the expedited transition away from fossil fuels and toward greener technology like heat pumps.

The boiler dispute is just one of many explosive issues, such as pension reform, child benefits, and administrative burden reductions.

To revitalize Germany’s deteriorating infrastructure, the parties decided to expedite the clearance procedure for important projects.

The Greens, meanwhile, want to give more priority to climate-friendly projects while the FDP wants to see backing for more brand-new highways.

The FDP has also organized opposition to the European Union’s proposals to outlaw internal combustion engine vehicles starting in 2035, maintaining that alternative engine fuels have a future—another idea that the Greens have vehemently opposed.

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