
Men Become Embraced By Circumstances: Phyno Discusses Polygamy in the Entertainment Industry

Phyno argued that having a child outside of marriage should not be viewed as polygamy in an interview with The Whistler.

According to him, it is only reasonable to assume responsibility for the child’s well-being under such circumstances. Further, he argued that polygamy is not home breaking but rather the deliberate choice to accept another wife while still married to another woman.

People getting into predicaments where they must act manly and accept responsibility, according to Phyno, is a common occurrence in the industry.

He asserted, “Let’s be clear, Muslims practice polygamy. Homes breaking is not polygamy. Polygamy is when someone voluntarily decides, “I’m going to marry two wives. ” Some individuals are caught in a circumstance and you can’t call that polygamy.

You think that what happens in the industry is that people are caught in precarious situations?
You can experience it; everyone can experience it.

“You can’t call that polygamy if you’re in a circumstance where you have to act like a man and take responsibility for your child. People come out to this, so we must constantly be explicit about it.

“When I say I’m going to marry more than one woman, that’s polygamy,” the speaker clarifies. People encounter unexpected situations, which is what you called polygamy. I have no opinions towards polygamy.

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